Evergreen School student app for school student, to provide information about school activities about your child to parents. Parents can check their childs school related records, performance, and progress in mobile app. So parents can interact with school any time, and in easy process.This app provides information about childs school activities like-Student Profile - So parents can check childs information in app and make change if any mistake in student record.Daily Attendance - Now parents can check childs attendance record at home on daily basis.Homework - Their is transparency in homework given by school to student. No one can hide their homework from parents.Events - Here you will find school events and extra activities for childs extra development.Exams - Exams related information like Exam Syllabus, Exam Time table, Exam result etc. So children can prepare their exam and parents can see their exam result.Ans many more features for parents to monitor their child and give more attention on child.